
This application enables people to look up the areas of cities which are restricted for being used by cars limited by their specific emission profile. The app shows the outline of the low emission zones and Diesel prohibition zones and provides additional information about dates or special regulations such as for vehicles registered abroad. Moreover, users can use the FAQs to read about emission groups, fine particles, stickers for cars or motorbikes, punishments, exception permits and many more. Further, there are several links included pointing to external websites which serve more information to read through.


Android versions

The application is designed to work both on smartphones and on tablets.
Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and newer versions are supported.


Users are welcome to send their feature requests via email or create a
new issue in the issue tracker of this project.


Before the app can be built a bunch of values have to be set.

  • Google Maps v2 API key

Please make sure to provide two API keys both for the release and the debug build
of the application. The package name of the debug build has the .debug suffix
to allow parallel installation on one device.

  • TraceDroid email address
  • Contact email address

These settings can be found in following places:

  • /Umweltzone/src/debug/res/values/config.xml

  • /Umweltzone/src/main/res/values/config.xml

  • /Umweltzone/src/release/res/values/config.xml

  • Google Analytics tracking id

These settings can be found in /Umweltzone/src/main/res/values/analytics.xml.

In order to build a release version of the app signing information must be provided.
Therefore, put the needed information into a file. There is an
example included which contains the properties which are referenced in the build configuration.


Please make sure to run tests before submitting contributions.
Tests can be executed with the following commands.

Unit tests

$ ./gradlew clean test

Integration tests

Before running integrations tests make sure to connect a device or to start an emulator.

$ ./gradlew clean connectedAndroidTest
