
This is a quick implementation of a binary tree in kotlin to try out github actions and release a lib.

To use this package in your project add this to your file

you can use JIT then:

repositories {
    url = uri("")
dependencies {
		// You can use this for main branch it will build the package

If you don’t want to use JIT then:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "GitHubPackages"
				// Repo Link
        url = uri("")
        credentials {
            username = System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_USERID") ?: "MinaSameh1"
            // Safe to share the password since it is a `read:package` scoped token.
            password = System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_IMPORT_TOKEN") ?: "READ:PACKAGE from DEV SETTINGS"

dependencies {
		// implementation("groupId:artifactId:version")
		// This is an example, check the pom from released packages
    implementation("QuickBinTreeTest:lib:0.1.3") // EXAMPLE

Small Note: I know the key is supposed to be safe to share However I don’t feel comfortable leaving a key out in the open even if its just read:packages permssions, and since this is a small Project just to test something out I won’t put out a key, I left this info however to help others if they want to release their own package.


  1. github offical docs on releasing gradle package
  2. Developerlife article
  3. Understanding Gradle


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