
Kotlin based app for private or individual solutions by students of GDSC-RNGPIT

Problem Statement:
Local businesses have had a lot of problems because to Covid-19 and the mandated lockdown. Many businesses have suffered as a result of this. Many firms around the world have permanently shuttered, harming global economics. Locals also have a hard time getting the essential items they need on a daily basis. The dilemma was exacerbated by many covid guidelines.
Furthermore, due to the widespread of covid, no one wants to go shopping in person for everyday essentials. As a result, covid has impacted almost every business, big or small, and its influence is expanding year after year as new types of covid variants are introduced.
Apart from that, this is the twenty-first century, the century of technical progress. Nobody wants to waste time or resources on things that can be accomplished while sitting at home or work.

Proposed Solution:
This challenge can be overcome by bringing buyers and customers together on a single, flexible platform. Our students has developed an android application based on Kotlin that connects customers to vendors and vice versa, enhancing the vendor’s identity, distribution, and revenues, among other things.
Vendors can register and update their information, such as their name, address, and phone number. They can also list the products they sell and market everything their store has to offer.
As a result, the app offers two solutions:

  1. Sellers will reach a larger number of consumers, resulting in more profits.
  2. Consumers may shop from home instead of going to the store, which saves their time and resources.

Functionality & Concepts used :

Our students has created an android application based on Kotlin and have used Firebase for the backend and authentication, as well as Firestore for the database, which stores seller, consumer and product data in the collection.
Authentication is implemented for Login and Signup using firebase functions and errors are shown with appropriate error messages.
Navigation: Users can navigate between activities and fragments.
Constraint layout: Activities in the app employ a flexible constraint layout that is easy to manage for various screen sizes.
RecyclerView: A list of products queried from Firebase is efficiently displayed in RecyclerView, loading only the items that are currently under focus.
LiveData: For loading images from a cloud store to imageviews, the LiveData Glide dependency is used. Kotlin Class and Data model are used for firestore queries.

APK file:

Application Link & Future Scope :

The application is in active development, some more features are needed to be added such as:

  1. Seller ratings which can help buyers to select appropriate sellers.
  2. Product rating which can assist buyers to select appropriate products.
  3. Product ratings can also assist sellers to observe the statistics of the product’s performance
    And much moreā€¦


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