While using Kord, have you ever stopped and thought to yourself; “I wonder how I could add a command that adds a button that shows a fox whenever I want.” Well dear user, I have! To solve this problem I, Amy (ya queen, ya girl), decided to create a library that will let you create commands, components and other Discord interactions easily, quickly and effortlessly.
Meme over, serious only now
KFox is a Discord interaction library written in Kotlin built on-top of Kord. It will allow you to easily create and respond to any type of interaction that Kord (and by extension Discord) supports.
⚠️ KFox currently does not support automatically creating your commands on the Discord side of things.
Basic setup and first command
@Command("parrot", "Awk! I'll repeat whatever you say, awk!") // 2
suspend fun testCommand(
context: PublicChatCommandContext, // 3
@Parameter("content", "content-key") // 4
value: String
) {
context.response.createPublicFollowup {
content = "Hi, I'm a friendly parakeet! You said \"$value,\" awk!"
suspend fun main() {
val kord = Kord("your_token_here")
kord.listen() // 1
- Ensure you call
before you callKord#login
. - Define a new function and annotate it with
. - Hook in your context; ephemeral responses use
, whereas public responses usePublicChatCommandContext
. - Define your parameters and annotate them with