Instagram Instagram Clone with Authentication, Firestore Database and Storage used via Firebase Feb 12, 2022 1 min read InstagramClon Firebase aracılığıyla Authentication,Firestore Database ve Storage kullanıldı.Projede kullanıcıdan resim izin işlemleri gerçekleştirildi. InstagramFirebaseAuthenticationDatabaseStorage
Social Media Social network app made with Android Compose, full Kotlin, Firebase Authentication, Storage and Firestore Social network app made with Android Compose, full Kotlin, Firebase Authentication, Storage and Firestore 24 October 2021
Authentication An android app which let developers to integrate Firebase in their app to authenticate users to signup through email and password An android app which let developers to integrate Firebase in their app to authenticate users to signup through email and password 10 September 2022
Instagram Instagram clone built using compose UI and firebase Instagram clone built using compose UI and firebase 09 August 2022