Searches the official "ImpfterminService - Der Patientenservice 116117" for free Corona vaccination slots. It can search multiple locations at once which can be provided in a list. When it finds a free slot, it can use Slack to send you a message. All timings can be configured for your needs and to avoid blocking.
Also the SMS verification step is managed by a Slack bot. Simply write the verification code into the Slack channel:
? Also the SMS verification step is managed by a Slack bot. Simply write the verification code into the Slack channel:
⭐ Features
⭐ Full browser automation
⭐ No API Hacks
⭐ Telegram integration
⭐ Slack integration
⭐ Waiting room detection
⭐ Customizable by property file
⭐ Docker support to run it locally or in the cloud
? Thank You
This bot exits and became so useful because of the over 20 people who contributed to this project.
That is strength of open-source power ?
So any thanks has to go to all contributors.
If anybody still wants to honor the initial publish you can buy Tobse a choco donut ?.
? Overview
These steps are repeated for every location. So it's no problem to check 14 locations at once.
If the bot recognizes that no free slots are available, it waits 30 seconds and goes on to the next location.
⚠ Warning: The online booking isn't an authorization
On the booking date you still have to bring the documents with you, to proof that you are qualified to receive the vaccination.
Check out the official guidelines
and make sure you are qualified for them. This bot doesn't help you get a privilege. It only allows you to get a date without losing the nerves or waisting a lifetime in pointless callcenter calls.
What is Slack and do I need it?
This bot can also work without it. Slack is a messaging application for companies.
It is useful to get realtime updates from the bot and to do the SMS verification without the need to be in front of your computer.
Otherwise, when the verification starts, you have only 10 minutes left to type the code into the automated browser window.
If you take a journey through the dangerous outside world, this may be unpractical. I have chosen Slack, because it proves a nice Java API
and it was already running in our company.
? Setup
To build and run the bot you need at least a Java 14 installation.
The Impf-Bot uses Selenium to automate a webbrowser. Selenium requires a locally installed
driver and browser - Chrome is recommended. The download of the chromedriver is done automatically via WebDriverManager.
Settings are stored in a config file which is located in: src/main/resources/
Edit these settings before the first run. A missing boolean property will be treated as false
Setup Slack
This step is optional. You can find detailed setup instructions here: SlackBot Setup.
Setup Telegram
This step is optional. You can find detailed setup instructions here: TelegramBot Setup.
Setup Gmail
This step is optional. You can find detailed setup instructions here: Gmail Setup.
Setup Ifttt
This step is optional. You can find detailed setup instructions here: Ifttt Setup.
This step is optional. To run this tool in Docker, follow this tutorial: Docker.
Per default the bot logs only successful bookings.
To change the Log-Level edit the defaultLogLevel
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel = info
| ℹ Change the log level to debug
to get a more detailed output during every step.
? Build
The build creates runnable Java-fat-jar which contains all dependencies and the config:
? Start
To run the bot, simply use the gradle command:
As an alternative, you can also start it with the fat-jar in the command line by:
? License
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or
as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.