“Herbapedia” is a mobile application based on Android that is used as a means of educating the public about herbal plants. This application allows users to be able to view information about herbal plants, identify nearby plants and mark the location of herbal plants so that they can help others.
- Authentication (login & register)
- Explore herbal plants
- Scan/Identify herbal plants
- Spot and mark plant location
Tools Used
- Android Studio IDE Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 2
- Android SDK API Level 30 (Android 11.0 R) with Minimum SDK API Level 21
- Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.1.2 with Gradle Version 7.2
- JDK version 11.0.11
- Google Maps API
- Android Jetpack Library
- Postman for API Testing
How to Install
You can use this appplication by click this link below then downloading process will start automatically. After that, install it on your Android device. You must be create account first to use the feature in application.
Note: This application support on Android version 5.0 or latest