GRPC client for the Provenance Blockchain
Tip: Refer to the Cosmos Proto Docs and
Provenance Blockchain Proto Docs for
client interface definitions.
Setup the client by supplying the chain id (e.g. pio-testnet-1
) and URI of the node to which you are connecting. The normal GRPC port is 9090
Example: for a locally running testnet instance:
val pbClient = PbClient("chain-local", URI("http://localhost:9090"))
Optionally configure GRPC by also passing ChannelOpts
or a NettyChannelBuilder
Example: Set client idle timeout to 1 minute
val pbClient = PbClient(
chainId = "chain-local",
channelUri = URI("http://localhost:9090"),
opts = ChannelOpts(idleTimeout = (1L to TimeUnit.MINUTES))
Query Usage
contains individual clients for each Cosmos and Provenance Blockchain SDK query service. Each module contains a query.proto
, which
defines the query interface.
Example: Querying the marker
module for the access permissions on a marker:
pbClient.markerClient.access(QueryAccessRequest.newBuilder().setId("marker address or denom here").build())
Transaction Usage
Example: creating a Marker
val msgAddMarkerRequest: MsgAddMarkerRequest = // Your request here
val txn = TxOuterClass.TxBody.newBuilder()
.addMessages(Any.pack(message = msgAddMarkerRequest, typeUrlPrefix = ""))
val mySigner: Signer = // Your key signing implementation
val signers = listOf(BaseReqSigner(key: mySigner))
txBody = txn,
signers = signers,
mode = ServiceOuterClass.BroadcastMode.BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK,
gasAdjustment = 1.5
is not recommended as your transaction may become successful past the time that
client blocks while waiting for the response. Instead use BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC
, and listen for transaction success
in the Event Stream or query the client with the transaction hash to find the outcome of submission.