The Movies Db demo by Refaat
This demo provides an easy way to find and browse the best movies to watch, data provided by The Movie Db API.
Get The APK:
The app tech:
- Kotlin.
- Android SDK 32.
- Clear Arch (Use cases & MVVM) architecture pattern.
- Single source of truth pattern for Genre.
- Data caching using Room for Genre and Favorites.
- Dependency injection (Dagger Hilt).
- ViewModel.
- Coroutines Flow.
- LiveDate.
- Paging 3.
- Retrofit.
- Glide.
- Navigation Component.
- SafeArgs.
- Material design.
- ViewBinding.
How to run the app
- Clone the repository to Android Studio.
- Register at The Movie Db to get your API_KEY.
- Put the following line to your file”.
- Sync the run ?
App Screenshots
- Add Unit tests.
- Add Integration tests.
- Add End-to-end tests.