Functional Kotlin & Arrow based library for generating and verifying JWTs and JWSs.

The following Algorithms are supported:

  • HS256
  • HS384
  • HS512
  • RS256
  • RS384
  • RS512
  • ES256 (secp256r1 curve)
  • ES256K (secp256k1 curve)
  • ES384
  • ES512


Include the following dependency: io.github.nefilim.kjwt:kjwt:0.1.5 in your build.

Creating a JWT

val jwt = JWT.es256("kid-123") {
    claim("name", "John Doe")
    claim("admin", true)
    issuedAt(LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochSecond(1516239022), ZoneId.of("UTC")))

will create the following:

    "sub": "1234567890",
    "iss": "nefilim",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "admin": true,
    "iat": 1516239022

Signing a JWT

Following on from above:


returns an Either<JWTVerificationError, SignedJWT<JWSES256Algorithm>>. The rendered field in the SignedJWT
contains the encoded string representation, in this case:


Decoding a JWT


The resulting DecodedJWT contains a JWT<JWSES256Algorithm> and the individual (3) parts of the JWT. Public
claims can be accessed via the predefined accessors, eg:

JWT.decode("...").tap { 
    println("the issuer is: ${it.issuer()}")
    println("the subject is: ${it.subject()}")

private claims be accessed with claimValue/claimValueAsBoolean/claimValueAsLong etc.

Validating a JWT

Custom claim validators can be created by defining ClaimsValidator:

typealias ClaimsValidatorResult = ValidatedNel<out JWTVerificationError, JWTClaims>
typealias ClaimsValidator = (JWTClaims) -> ClaimsValidatorResult

eg. a claim validator for issuer could look like this:

fun issuer(issuer: String): ClaimsValidator = requiredOptionClaim( // an absent claim would be considered an error
    "issuer", // a label for the claim (used in error reporting) 
    { issuer() }, // a function that returns the claim from the JWTClaims/JWT 
    { it == issuer }, // the predicate to evaluate the claim value 
    JWTValidationError.InvalidIssuer // the error to return 

and for a private claim:

fun issuer(issuer: String): ClaimsValidator = requiredOptionClaim( // an absent claim would be considered an error
    "admin", // a label for the claim (used in error reporting) 
    { claimValueAsBoolean("admin") }, // a function that returns the claim from the JWTClaims/JWT 
    { it == true }, // the predicate to evaluate the claim value 

in this case the ValidationNel would contain JWTValidationError.RequiredClaimIsMissing("admin") if the claim was
absent in the JWT or JWTValidationError.RequiredClaimIsInvalid("admin") in case it predicate failed (the value was false).

ClaimValidators can be composed using fun validateClaims(...), eg:

fun standardValidation(claims: JWTClaims): ValidatedNel<out JWTVerificationError, JWTClaims> =
    validateClaims(notBefore, expired, issuer("thecompany"), subject("1234567890"), audience("http://thecompany.com"))

Predefined claim validators are bundled for these public claims:

  • issuer
  • subject
  • audience
  • expired
  • notbefore

Verifying a Signature

verifySignature<JWSRSAAlgorithm>("eyJhbGci...", publicKey)

Not the type needs to be specified explicitly and will limit the publicKey parameter to the allowable types. Eg, in
this case it must be an RSAPublicKey.

Claim Validation and Verifying together

Combining claim validation and signature verification into one step can be done using the corresponding fun verify(...) (once again, the type parameter is required):

val standardValidation: ClaimsValidator = { claims ->

verify<JWSES256Algorithm>("eyJhbGci...", publicKey, standardValidation)

The resulting typealias ClaimsValidatorResult = ValidatedNel<out JWTVerificationError, JWTClaims> will either
contain all the validation problems or the valid JWT.


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