This library lets you create joystick with some customization for android.
Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation ''
Basic Usage
AndroidJoystickView XML
In order to use AndroidLikeButton copy following xml code in your xml file.
AndroidJoystickView Interface
There are two views in JoyStick
InnerCircleView : This is small circle in joystick as you can see in image so attributes related to this view will using innerCircle
in prefix in xml -
OuterCircleView : This is big circle in joystick so all attributes related to this will using outerCircle in prefix in xml
There are several attribute to configure AndroidJoystick view, they are following
InnerCircleView Attributes
innerCircleColor , innerCircleImage
In order to change the inner Circle color and add the image into the small circle use the following code :-
In Java
Before changing the size of small circle you need to understand small concep which is both inner and outer circle has ratio 0.1f and 0.4f respectively so you have to maintain 5.0f in total. so when you change innerCircleRadius value it substracted outercircle value from 5.0f.
In Java
OuterCircleView Attributes
outerCircleColor , outerCircleBorderWidth , outerCircleBorderColor
In order to change outerCircle attributes like it's color , bordercolor and borderWidth you can use following code :
In Java
The default property of joystickview is that when move it and you release it then it automatically came to the center and lockCenter is the property in which it lock the small circle when it stength is equal to 100 so if you want to lock it then
In Java
If you want to addt the shadow in joystick first you need to add outerCircleBorderWidth value and then you can change these properties
ShadowRadius , shadowColor , Dx, Dy
In Java