Private Compute Libraries

Build Status

This repository contains source code for the following libraries, which work together under the name “Private Compute Libraries”:

  • Chronicle
  • Plugins

Building & Testing

Although there should be no reason why the Private Compute Libraries shouldn’t build and pass tests on any operating system supported by Bazel, the following build and test instructions assume the environment to be Debian Linux.

Install Android SDK 31

Install Android Studio and Android SDK 31 from the SDK Manager.

Ensure your ANDROID_HOME environment variable is configured correctly.

Install Bazel and OpenJDK 11

sudo apt update
sudo apt install default-jdk bazel

Clone the Git Repository

git clone [email protected]:google/private-compute-libraries.git
cd private-compute-libraries

Build & Test Locally

bazel build //...
bazel test //...

Note: If your machine has a nonstandard default JDK, you may need to add a flag to the above commands: --java_runtime_version=local-openjdk11


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