Coinpaprika API Kotlin Client
This library is written in Kotlin and provides a way to retrieve data from API. It uses Retrofit, Moshi and Kotlin coroutines.
- Add the following lines in your AndroidManifest.xml file
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
- Edit module’s build.gradle file to attach the library by adding this line into it’s dependencies
implementation 'com.coinpaprika:apiclient:$library_version'
Coinpaprika delivers full market data to the world of crypto: coin prices, volumes, market caps, ATHs, return rates and more.
Instantiate Retrofit service and proceed with the call:
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
val tickersService: TickersService = retrofit.create()
val tickers = tickersService.getTickers() // this function needs to be called in a coroutine
// it can throw an HttpException or an IOException
for (ticker in tickers) {
// - Coin identifier, to use in ticker(id:) method
// - Coin name, for example Bitcoin
// ticker.symbol - Coin symbol, for example BTC
// ticker.rank - Position in Coinpaprika ranking (by MarketCap)
// ticker.priceUsd - Price in USD
// ticker.priceBtc - Price in BTC
// ticker.dailyVolumeUsd - Volume from last 24h in USD
// ticker.marketCapUsd - Market Capitalization in USD
// ticker.circulatingSupply - Circulating Supply
// ticker.totalSupply - Total Supply
// ticker.maxSupply - Maximum Supply
// ticker.percentChange1h - Percentage price change in last 1 hour
// ticker.percentChange24h - Percentage price change in last 24 hours
// ticker.percentChange7d - Percentage price change in last 7 days
CoinpaprikaAPI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.