FileBox is an async file downloader library for Android.
Before we develop filebox, we though that URL content changes very rarely. So basically this library downloads a given URL, and if it is already downloaded, it provides downloaded content directly.
- Shares ongoing download requests to the observers. So It reduces Data Usage.
- Has TTL(Time To Live) duration. Filebox re-download the URL if TTL is expired.
- Supports both Cache and External directory.
- Supports the File Encryption for sensitive URL(images, videos, any file).
- Allows you to create a custom folder destination.
- Clears unreliable data automagically.
- Does Etag Check. Filebox doesn't download the file again If the file's TLL(Time To Live) is up but the file has not changed.
- Supports Multiple Download. If you have N file and want to get notified when all completed.
- Runs on application scope. There is no pause/resume continuation support.
Flow Diagram
Basic Usage
val fileBoxRequest = FileBoxRequest("https://url1.png")
val filebox= FileBoxProvider.newInstance(applicationContext, FileBoxConfig.createDefault())
.subscribe { fileBoxResponse ->
when (fileBoxResponse) {
is FileBoxResponse.Downloading -> {
val progress: Float = fileBoxResponse.progress
val ongoingRecord: Record = fileBoxResponse.record
is FileBoxResponse.Complete -> {
val savedRecord: Record = fileBoxResponse.record
val savedPath = fileBoxResponse.record.getReadableFilePath()
is FileBoxResponse.Error -> {
val savedRecord: Record = fileBoxResponse.record
val error = fileBoxResponse.throwable
Customize Config
val fileBoxConfig = FileBoxConfig.FileBoxConfigBuilder()
.setCryptoType(CryptoType.CONCEAL) // Default is CryptoType.NONE
.setTTLInMillis(TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7)) // Default is 7 Days
.setDirectory(DirectoryType.CACHE) // Default is External
.setFolderName("MyPhotos") // Default is none
Multiple Download Request
val fileBoxMultipleRequest = FileBoxMultiRequest(
val filebox = FileBoxProvider.newInstance(applicationContext, FileBoxConfig.createDefault())
.subscribe { fileBoxResponse ->
when (fileBoxResponse) {
is FileBoxMultiResponse.Downloading -> {
val progress = fileBoxResponse.progress
val ongoingFileResponseList = fileBoxResponse.fileBoxResponseList
is FileBoxMultiResponse.Complete -> {
val ongoingFileResponseList = fileBoxResponse.fileBoxResponseList
ongoingFileResponseList.forEach { it.record.getReadableFilePath() }
is FileBoxMultiResponse.Error -> {
val error = fileBoxResponse.throwable
val ongoingFileResponseList = fileBoxResponse.fileBoxResponseList
Don't forget to destroy the filebox when your initialized scope is destroyed. If you create a filebox in your application class, It is application scoped. If you create a filebox in your activity class, It is activity scoped. Be aware of your lifecycle.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.lyrebirdstudio:filebox:0.1'