PhysioQuest is an Android quiz app designed for students to learn from verified examination questions. To foster motivation among the users, the application features a fun, competitive quiz-duel format. Primarily, the app targets students at the FH Campus Wien and is exclusively available for their use. The questions posed revolve around anatomy and physiology in the field of physiotherapy, with answers available in both single and multiple-choice formats.
Account management
- Registration
- Email address verification
- Login
- Change username
- Change email address
- Change password
- Delete account
Two quiz types
- Learning mode: Choose a category and play by yourself
- Duel mode: Play against a random opponent by answering 15 random questions with 30 seconds time limit per question
XP and Level System
- Gain XP for playing in both modes, with greater XP rewards during duel mode and when winning
- Level up – up to 20 levels available
- Compete against other users – view XP ranking in the global Leaderboard
- Receive notifications when it’s your turn in the duel mode
- Receive notifications when a duel is finished – view the results
Technological Stack
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose
- Dagger/Hilt
- Material Design 3
- Accompanist Navigation Animation
- Firebase Firestore Database
- Firebase Messaging
You can download the app APK here