FlixBus Coding Task
- Fetch timetables from FlixBus service
- Show fetched timetables in their respective timezones in a list
- API module separated so that it can be used with any of the host app
- Unit Tests written for Repos and View Models
- R8 Enabled
Demo Video
There are two major parts in the codebase, written in Kotlin
- Android application
- Android API
Dependencies and Libraries
- Coroutine and Flow
- Retrofit (networking)
- GSON (json-parsing)
- Koin (dependency injection)
- Mockito (mocking)
- Turbine (flows)
- Android Studio Arctic Fow (latest version preferably)
- Kotlin 1.6.10 or newer in your project
- Java 11 selected as your JDK
- App’s minimum API level to 21
API Module Usage
The API module can be added with any host application as a stand-alone data source providing the
flixbus timetable’s data
// Get timetables
flixBusDataSourceSource.getTimetable( object : OnResult<TimetableResponse> {
override fun getItem(response: TimetableResponse) {
// do something