Android application listing all possible super heroes from Marvel universe.
- Listing gallery styled collection of heroes
- Scrolling pagination on heroes collection
- Activate scroll to first button after reaching threshold (5 heroes)
- Search bar with live searching in Marvel API
- Hero detail page with description and collection of comics
- Shimmer loading effect
- Custom side vertical indicator when loading more heroes
- Custom transition to hero details
- Expandable search bar attached to the keyboard
Screenshots & recording
Main | Search | Scroll To First | Details |
- Jetpack Compose for UI
- Hilt for dependency injection
- Timber for logging
- Retrofit for networking
- GitHub Actions for CI
I have used MVVM pattern and decided on using single module since this is a very small app and I wanted to focus more on UI. Nevertheless, I have maintained package structure that would allow separation for multi module project. I am willing to discuss my choices on tech interview.
App is based on Marvel API therefore require providing API KEY.
file in the root of the project.
Github Actions loads mine API key from secrets to be able to build and run checks.