BlockEQ Android Wallet

BlockEQ is a private Stellar wallet that allows you to easily create or access an account with a recovery phrase. With BlockEQ you can send, receive, and trade XLM and Stellar tokens on the SDEX, Stellar’s decentralized exchange.


A few of the main things the wallet supports:

  • Add & remove Stellar Tokens
  • Join an inflation pools
  • QR code address display and scanning
  • Use memo field for sending to exchanges
  • Create and recover a new wallet with a 12 or 24 word mnemonic phrase
  • Change PIN Settings (Toggle on/off for opening app or sending)

A few things coming soon:

  • SDEX Trading
  • Exchange address recognition (Memo Required)


Feel free to send us feedback on Twitter or file an issue.

Feature requests are always welcome. If you wish to contribute, please take a quick look at the guidelines!

If you just want to hang out and chat about BlockEQ, please feel free to join our Slack Channel!


Please take a look at the contributing guidelines for a detailed process on how to build your application as well as troubleshooting information.

Getting Started

Building the Project

OS X, Windows & Linux:

git clone
  1. cd into the project repo
  2. Import the project. Open Android Studio, click Open an existing Android Studio project and select the project. Gradle will build the project.
  3. Run the app. Click Run > Run 'app'. After the project builds you'll be
    prompted to build or launch an emulator.

If the above steps completed successfully, you're ready to begin developing! Otherwise, check out he troubleshooting section below.
