
An AutoCompleteTextView with builtin Adapter with the emails in the device.

The library automatically adds GET_ACCOUNTS permission into your Manifest. For Android Marshmallow, the library also handles runtime permissions automagically.

  • If the permission is already given by the user, or if the device is below Android M, it setups itself and auto completion of email addresses works right away.
  • If the permission is not given, there will be a checkbox shown below the view to indicate that we require the permission.
  • If the user chooses "never", the checkbox will be hidden.


The library is heavily influced by TextInputLayout from the design support library.

Just like the TextInputLayout you need to add AutoCompleteTextView inside in the xml as a child.



Usage with Design Support Lib

You may want to use TextInputLayout to have beautiful label animation you find the GIF above. In that case, you can use the alternative dependency with -design postfix and you will be good to go. It will automatically use the design library version and it will have all the features of TextInputLayout


Dependency to just use EmailAutoCompleteLayout

compile 'com.tasomaniac:emailautocompletetextview:0.2'

Dependency to use with TextInputLayout

compile 'com.tasomaniac:emailautocompletetextview-design:0.2'
