
MsProgressView is an Android library that provides customizable circular and horizontal progress views to display ongoing tasks, loading animations, or any other progress indication purposes.


  • Circular Progress View: A customizable circular progress view with various styles and animation options.
  • Horizontal Progress View: A customizable horizontal progress view for linear progress display.
  • Easy Integration: Simple integration with your Android project using Gradle or Maven.
  • Customizable Appearance: Customize the colours, sizes, and other attributes to match your app’s design.
  • Progress Indicators: Show progress in percentages or any other appropriate format.


You can install the library by adding the following dependency to your project:

Step 1: Add this to setting.gradle file

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }

Step 2: Add this to your App Level Gradle File: (Replace the Tag with the Latest Version of the MsProgressView)

dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.shubhasai:MsProgressView:Tag'


  1. Horizontal Progress View:

    HorizontalProgress(percentage =0.5f,
                             number = 100,
                             modifier = Modifier



  2. Circular Progress View:

    CircularProgress(percentage =0.85f,
                             number = 100,
                             modifier = Modifier



    More Customization :

    1. Horizontal Progress View:

      Parameter Purpose Default Value
      Modifier Modifier for the composable function Modifier
      percentage Progress percentage value Float
      number Max Progress value in Integer Int
      fontSize Font size for the text 28.sp
      width Width of the progress view 350.dp
      height Height of the progress view 50.dp
      color Color of the progress indicator Color.Blue
      animDuration Duration of the animation in milliseconds 1000
      animDelay Delay before the animation starts 0
      radius Corner radius of the progress view 20.dp
      backgroundColor Background color of the progress view Color.LightGray
      textColor Color of the text Color.Black
      percentageTextColor Color of the percentage text Color.White
      percentageTextSize Font size for the percentage text 20.sp
    2. Circular Progress View:

      Parameter Purpose Value
      Modifier Modifier for the composable function Modifier
      percentage Progress percentage value Float
      number Max Progress value in Integer Int
      fontSize Font size for the text 28.sp
      radius Radius of the circular progress view 50.dp
      color Color of the progress indicator Color.Blue
      strokeWidth Width of the progress indicator 8.dp
      animDuration Duration of the animation (in ms) 1000
      animDelay Delay before the animation starts 0
      capRounded Whether to use rounded line cap true
      startAngle Starting angle of the progress arc -90f
      maxAngle Maximum angle of the progress arc 360f
      textColor Color of the text Color.Black
      useCenter Whether to include center in the arc false


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