Smart App Rate

Smart app rate dialog for Android which takes user rating into consideration. If the user rates the app below the defined threshold rating, the dialog will change into a feedback form. Otherwise, It will take the user to the Google PlayStore.


  • Auto fetches the app icon to appear on top of the dialog
  • Make the dialog appear on a defined app session
  • Opens Feedback form if the user rates below the minimum threshold
  • Extracts the accent color from your app's theme
  • Customizable title, positive button and negative button texts
  • Customizable button colors and backgrounds
  • Override dialog redirection to Google Play or Feedback form according to your needs

If you want the dialog to appear on the Nth session of the app, just add the session(N) to the dialog builder method
and move the code to the onCreate() method of your Activity class. The dialog will appear when the app is opened for the Nth time.

How to use

Use the dialog as it is

final RatingDialog ratingDialog = new RatingDialog.Builder(this)
                .onRatingBarFormSumbit(new RatingDialog.Builder.RatingDialogFormListener() {
                    public void onFormSubmitted(String feedback) {



or use the dialog builder class to customize the rating dialog to match your app's UI.

final RatingDialog ratingDialog = new RatingDialog.Builder(this)
                        .title("How was your experience with us?")
                        .positiveButtonText("Not Now")
                        .formTitle("Submit Feedback")
                        .formHint("Tell us where we can improve")
                        .onThresholdCleared(new RatingDialog.Builder.RatingThresholdClearedListener() {
                                           public void onThresholdCleared(RatingDialog ratingDialog, float rating, boolean thresholdCleared) {
                                               //do something
                        .onThresholdFailed(new RatingDialog.Builder.RatingThresholdFailedListener() {
                                           public void onThresholdFailed(RatingDialog ratingDialog, float rating, boolean thresholdCleared) {
                                               //do something
                        .onRatingChanged(new RatingDialog.Builder.RatingDialogListener() {
                                            public void onRatingSelected(float rating, boolean thresholdCleared) {

                        .onRatingBarFormSumbit(new RatingDialog.Builder.RatingDialogFormListener() {
                            public void onFormSubmitted(String feedback) {




  • Don't use session() if you want to show the dialog on a click event.
  • Remove the threshold() from the builder if you don't want to show the feedback form to the user.
  • Use onThresholdCleared() to override the default redirection to Google Play.
  • Use onThresholdFailed() to show your custom feedback form.



Add it as a dependency in your app's build.gradle file

dependencies {
    compile 'com.codemybrainsout.rating:ratingdialog:1.0.8'
