This is an Android app that pulls the credit score information from a given endpoint and displays the records as a donut view. The donut displays the correct value received from the endpoint and uses the percentage to fill its outline.
Figure 1: The app’s wireframe.
Project Structure
- Modularization: By Feature
- App module: This links the feature(s) together. In this scenario, it starts the feature implemented (when the app is launched).
- Feature module: This manages the task’s feature (with a perspective of adding more features in the future).
- Library module: This manages the resources that are shared among multiple features/modules.
- Architectural Pattern: MVVMI [Model-View-ViewModel-Interactor(UseCase)]
- Asynchronous/Multithreading Operations: Kotlin Coroutines
- Architectural Components
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- ViewBinding
- LifeCycle
- Navigation
- Dependency Injection: Koin
- Networking: Retrofit
- BaseURL
- Endpoints
- /endpoint.json
- UI/Unit Tests: Espresso & JUnit