This project was created as the capstone of the agrostock team project. Where the function of this application is to check the state of the fruits
whether the fruit is rotten or not.
Table of Contents
Technologies Used
- Retrofit
- Firebase
- Recycler View
- Broadcast Intend
List the ready features here:
- Login feature (Gmail)
- Foodstuffs Information feature
- Recent News feature
- English and Indonesian language
What are the project requirements/dependencies? Where are they listed? A requirements.txt or a Pipfile.lock file perhaps? Where is it located?
Proceed to describe how to install / setup one’s local environment / get started with the project.
Project Status
Project is: complete
- Many thanks to my team AgroStock Team in Bangkit Team B21-CAP0465
- Javas A. B. Y. Pratama
- Kamandanu
- Randu F. Alyansyah
- Rheza Tedjo