Design Inspiration
The UI and UX of the application is inspired by Liva Veidemane‘s project called Lifetrack To-do App Design
Project Features
The application will have the following features (simplified stories, without details or corner cases included):
As a user, I want to be able to login into the application, so I can manage all my tasks with security.
As a user, I want to be able to register my account into the application, so I can have access trough my tasks.
Password Recovery
As a user, I want to be able to recover my password in case if I missed it, so I can recover my access trough my tasks.
Account Management
Edit Account
As a user, I want to be able to edit my account information, so I can maintain my profile updated.
Change Password
As a user, I want to be able to change my password, so I can protect my account whenever I need.
Delete Account
As a user, I want to be able to delete my account, so I can remove all my sensitive data from the application.
As a user, I want to be able to logout from the application, so I can login with another account.
Task Management
Task Registration
As a user, I want to register a task, so I can organize all the tasks that I need to do.
Task Editing
As a user, I want to edit a task, so I can adjust all my tasks without the need of duplicating them.
Task Deletion
As a user, I want to delete a task, so I can remove tasks that I no longer need to do.
Task Listing
List of Pending Tasks
As a user, I want to see all my pending tasks, so I can organize myself to make all the tasks.
List of Done Tasks
As a user, I want to see all my done tasks, so I can see my progress and keep motivated to do other tasks.
Task Completion Management
Task Completion
As a user, I want to complete a task, so I can organize myself to see only what’s pending.
Task Incompletion
As a user, I want to mark a task as incomplete, so I can rollback any task that I need to do again.
Main Tools
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
KMM is used as a solution to share business logic between iOS and Android mobile platforms. It will allow me to avoid duplicating business logic code into two platforms, thus allowing me to only take care of view and presenter’s based code.
- Project Setup
- Readme About the Project
- List of epics and stories
- Environment Preparation
- Authentication
- Login
- Registration
- Password Recovery
- Account Management
- Edit Account
- Change Password
- Delete Account
- Logout
- Task Management
- Task Registration
- Task Editing
- Task Deletion
- Task Listing
- List of Pending Tasks
- List of Done Tasks
- Task Completion Management
- Task Completion
- Task Incompletion
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Luiz Matias – LinkedIn – [email protected]