The RecyclerView-Pool-Controller is a small extension for working with viewholders. This module provides storage of previously created viewholders in the stack for further reuse.
Import this extension as a module into your project and connect it to the main project.
implementation "com.github.FedorovaA:recyclerview-pool-controller:1.0"
How to use
The module has two options for working with viewholders:
- Simple creation of viewholders in the background thread.
- Inflating view using AsyncLayoutInflater, creating viewholders in the background and further transferring the created view in constructor.
In the main activity of the application take the following steps:
class Activity : AppCompatActivity() {
// Create a delegate variable that will pass to the module
// which viewholders to use for storage in the stack
private val createVhDelegate = object : GlobalRecycledViewPoolController.CreateViewHolderDelegate {
// simple creation
override fun createViewHolderWithAsyncInflater(viewType: Int, view: View): RecyclerView.ViewHolder? {
return viewHolderDelegateWrapper.setupAsyncViewHolder(viewType, view)
// with AsyncLAyoutInflater
override fun createViewHolderInBackground(viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder? {
return viewHolderDelegateWrapper.setupBgViewHolder(viewType, this@MainActivity)
// Initialize the controller
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// simple creation
GlobalRecycledViewPoolController.initialize(List<GlobalRecycledViewPoolController.ViewHolderCacheParams>, BackgroundViewHolderInitializer(), createVhDelegate)
// or with AsyncLAyoutInflater
GlobalRecycledViewPoolController.initialize(List<GlobalRecycledViewPoolController.ViewHolderCacheParams>, AsyncViewHolderInitializer(this), createVhDelegate)
In the place where you set the adapter, add the global pool in RecyclerView
In the onCreateViewHolder method of the adapter.
class Adapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>() {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
return GlobalRecycledViewPoolController.getViewHolderForType(viewType)
- All the viewTypes viewholder`s that you delegate to the module during initialization must be different.
- All layout parameters of the main container the viewholder (width, height and etc.) must be set during initialization. This is necessary since the parent for viewholders is null.