Simpletask is based on the brilliant todo.txt by Gina Trapani. The goal of the application is to provide a tool to do GTD without providing an overwhelming amount of options. Even though Simpletask can be customised by a fairly large amount of settings, the defaults should be sane and require no change.

A simple task list manager that strives to have just enough features to do GTD, but no more. Based on the todo.txt app so a todo.txt file (
Sync your list the way you want or only keep it on your device.
Instead of including all kinds of cloud providers, the app will put your todo list on internal storage in ./data/nl.mpcjanssen.simpletask. You can the use external applications such as Foldersync or Bittorrent sync to sync to a large collection of cloud offerings or own machines.
If you use any cloud service to sync, the task list will be reloaded if the todo.txt file is updated in the background.
With the new sorting options it can also be used for MYN/1MTD. See the screenshots for an example of how to use it for MYN.