A simple Android color picker library.
Download the latest JAR or grab via Gradle:
implementation 'petrov.kristiyan:colorpicker-library:1.1.10'
How to use
Example 1 :
ColorPicker colorPicker = new ColorPicker(activity);;
colorPicker.setOnChooseColorListener(new ColorPicker.OnChooseColorListener() {
public void onChooseColor(int position,int color) {
// put code
public void onCancel(){
// put code
Example 2 :
final ColorPicker colorPicker = new ColorPicker(SampleActivity.this);
colorPicker.setFastChooser(new ColorPicker.OnFastChooseColorListener() {
public void setOnFastChooseColorListener(int position, int color) {
// put code
public void onCancel(){
// put code
Example 3 :
final ColorPicker colorPicker = new ColorPicker(SampleActivity.this);
colorPicker.setOnChooseColorListener(new ColorPicker.OnChooseColorListener() {
public void onChooseColor(int position,int color) {
// put code
public void onCancel(){
// put code
.addListenerButton("newButton", new ColorPicker.OnButtonListener() {
public void onClick(View v, int position, int color) {
// put code
What you can do
Choose your own colors
setColors(int resId); // using an array resource
setColors(ArrayList<String> colorsHexList); // using a list of hex colors
setColors(int... colorsList); // use a list of colors Color.RED,Color.Black etc
setDefaultColorButton(int color); // set the colorButton to check by default
Define Listeners
setOnFastChooseColorListener(OnFastChooseColorListener listener); // renamed in version 1.1.0
setOnChooseColorListener(OnChooseColorListener listener);
Add custom buttons
addListenerButton(String text, Button button, OnButtonListener listener); // custom button
addListenerButton(String text, final OnButtonListener listener); // it will generate a button with default style
General methods you can use:
setDialogFullHeight(); // bigger height
dismissDialog(); // dismiss dialog slowly
setColumns(int c); // set columns number
setTitle(String title); // set the title of the dialog
setTitlePadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
disableDefaultButtons(boolean disableDefaultButtons); // use if you want to implement your own buttons
getDialogBaseLayout(); // returns the RelativeLayout used as base for the dialog
getDialogViewLayout(); // returns the view inflated into the dialog
getDialog(); // returns the dialog
getPositiveButton(); // returns the positive button defined by default
getNegativeButton(); // returns the negative button defined by default
setDismissOnButtonListenerClick(boolean dismiss); // renamed in version 1.1.0
ColorButtons changes you can do:
setColorButtonTickColor(int color); // renamed in version 1.1.0
setColorButtonDrawable(int drawable);
setColorButtonSize(int width, int height);
setColorButtonMargin(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
setRoundColorButton(boolean roundButton);
Removed from version 1.1.0
setPositiveButton(String text, OnButtonListener listener); // not present from version 1.1.0
setNegativeButton(String text, OnButtonListener listener); // not present from version 1.1.0
Additional Credits
for the Material Dialog library for button design specs and implementation