Digital Tijori ?
Digital Tijori app lets you store your bank accounts, cards and credentials. You can link cards and credentials to a particular bank account, and view them all at a glance. This app demonstrates the use of Clean architecture using MVVM, Dependency Injection, Room Database with multiple tables and relationships between them, Kotlin Flows & Coroutines, Jetpack Datastore, Jetpack Compose, Biometric authentication and other Mordern Android Development practices.
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Built With ?
- Clean Architecture principles – To better scale and structure the project.
- MVVM – Architecture used.
- Kotlin – Programing language used to build the app.
- Dagger-Hilt – For dependency injection.
- Room – For persistance local data storage.
- Jetpack Datastore – For storing preferences.
- Kotlin Coroutines – To execute asynchronous and non-blocking code.
- Kotlin Flows – For asynchronous data handling / For reactive programing.
- Jetpack Compose – For building UI declaratively.
Contact me ?
- LinkedIn: Harsh Nandwani
- E-Mail: [email protected]