MovieNight is a sample Android application that uses the clean architecture approach and is written in Kotlin.
The Motivation behind the app:
During the work on this app, my goal was to leave my comfort zone as much as I could, intentionally tackling subjects I'm less familiar with or, at times, entirely new to me.
Some of those subjects include:
- The Kotlin programming language
- Clean architecture
- Test-driven development
- Dagger2
- Android architecture components (ViewModels, LiveData, Room, etc.)
How to run the app:
This app uses The MovieDB public API.
Register (its free) and grab your API key,
then paste it inside: .../res/values/api_key.xml
- Few fixes and teaks
- Add UI tests
- Maybe expand the app functionality
Used libraries:
- RxJava2
- RxAndroid
- Retrofit2
- AndroidTagView
- Picasso
- Leakcanary
- Android architecture components
- Room Persistence Library