Media Sample
A media application designed for Android Automotive.
The app is structured to follow Android’s Media playback architecture. For an Android automotive app, this means that the app doesn’t have an activity of its own. The UI is drawn by the system, and the app is responsible for providing the data to display and play in a structured manner. For more information, and resources on how to build media apps, please read the official Android documentation.
The project is structured as follows:
####Media Playback layer
This consists of the media plyback client components and the media service.
####Domain Layer
Here you will find all the domain models and entities for the application
####Data access layer
This layer is responsible for sourcing the media to play
shared utilities and helpers live here.
##Running the app
- Android studio 4.2+
- Android Automotive emulator
- The computer you’re testing the app with should have speakers so you can hear the track playing (obvious, but overlooked sometimes).
Checkout the Volvo Cars developer portal for more information on creating apps for cars.
Once everything is setup, simple clone this repository, build and run the app on the target emulator.