Pano Scrobbler
A scrobbler and viewer for Android.
- Scrobble from anything which produces audio with metadata, including the official youtube app, a chat app or some less known chinese player
- Scrobble to lastFM, LibreFM, Listenbrainz
- Sanity check the metadata with lastFM's records.
- View track info, such as listener count charts, album art etc
- View recent scrobbles
- Work with recent scrobbles (love a track, cancel a scrobble)
- Edit tags
- Delete existing scrobbles
- Offline scrobbling
- Offline viewing of cached data
- Check what your friends are listening to
- View and play songs similar to a given one
This is not intended to:
- be an app to browse lastfm.
- contain any webviews. Links would rather open in the browser
- contain any kind of ADs