Kotlin-er CLI
A different take on making command line programs, emphasizing development speed over customization
Auto-deployed to Maven Central after passing unit tests using GitHub Actions
dependencies {
import com.lightningkite.kotlinercli.cli
import java.io.File
fun main(args: Array<String>) = cli(args, ::runServer, ::migrate, ::dump, ::deleteItems)
fun runServer(host: String = "", port: Int = 8080) = println("Running the server at $host on port $port")
fun migrate(version: Int) = println("Upgrading the database")
fun dump(to: File) = println("Dumping to a file")
fun deleteItems(vararg ids: Int) = println("Deleting ${ids.joinToString()}")
$ myProgram
Available commands:
runServer(host: String = ..., port: Int = ...): Unit
migrate(version: Int): Unit
dump(to: File): Unit
deleteItems(ids: IntArray): Unit
$ myProgram runServer --help
--host: String (optional)
--port: Int (optional)
$ myProgram runServer
Running the server at with port 8000
$ myProgram runServer 8080
Running the server at with port 8080
$ myProgram runServer --port 8080
Running the server at with port 8080
$ myProgram deleteItems 1 2 3
Deleting 1, 2, 3
Supported Features
- Primitive Types
- Types with a constructor that takes a
- Ordered Arguments
- Named Arguments
- Default Arguments
- Variadic Arguments
- Boolean Flags (i.e. using
) - Description Annotation – add the annotation to provide more documentation about functions and parameters.
Potential Features
- Annotation to automatically register functions to expose to the CLI
- Questionable security-wise – makes it easy to insert functionality with no obvious connection.
- Compiler plugin to read KDoc for runtime documentation
Deliberately unsupported features
- Object types without a string constructor – No good way to represent in the command line.
- Expose all functions in the command line – would be a potential security problem