? Form Conductor

A declarative form validation library for Kotlin.

Form conductor is more than form validation. It provides a handful of reusable API to construct a form in simple easy steps. Form conductor tries to tackle three aspects of forms:

  • Form Data Handling
  • Form State Management
  • Form Validation

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Table of contents

? Form construction using built-in annotations


data class SignUpForm(
    val name: String = "",

    @IntegerRange(min = 18, max = 99)
    val age: Int = 0,

    val emailAddress: String = "",

    val gender: Gender = Gender.Male,
    val address: String? = null

    val termsAndConditionAgreed: Boolean = false
    val bio: String = ""

Using Jetpack Compose

form composable

fun FormScreen() {
    Column {
        form(SignUpForm::class) {
            * Following properties are available
            * formState - State<FormResult<SignUpForm>>
            * registerField() - returns field object
                text = "Sign Up",
                enabled = this.formState.value is FormResult.Success

field composable

form(SignUpForm::class) {
    field(SignUpForm::name) {
        * Following properties are available
        * state - compose state with field value: State<FieldValue<String>>
        * resultState - validation result state: State<FieldResult<String>>
        * setField() - sets the field value and validate
            value = state.value?.value.orEmpty(),
            onValueChange = this::setField,
            isError = resultState.value is FieldResult.Error

Full Example

fun FormScreen() {
    Column {
        form(SignUpForm::class) {
            field(SignUpFormData::name) {
                    value = state.value?.value.orEmpty(),
                    onValueChange = this::setField,
                    isError = resultState.value is FieldResult.Error
            field(SignUpFormData::emailAddress) {
                    value = state.value?.value.orEmpty(),
                    onValueChange = this::setField
            field(SignUpFormData::gender) {
                Row(Modifier.selectableGroup()) {
                        selected = state.value?.value == Gender.Male,
                        onClick = { setField(Gender.Male) },
                        modifier = Modifier.semantics { contentDescription = "Male" }
                        selected = state.value?.value == Gender.Female,
                        onClick = { setField(Gender.Female) },
                        modifier = Modifier.semantics { contentDescription = "Male" }


Single dependency (imports all the modules as a single dependency)

// Groovy
dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.NaingAungLuu:form-conductor:$<latest_version>"

// Kts
dependencies {

Modular dependency

// Groovy
dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.NaingAungLuu.form-conductor:core:$<latest_version>"
    implementation "com.github.NaingAungLuu.form-conductor:compose-ui:$<latest_version>"

// Kts
dependencies {

Available Modules

form-conductor:core – Pure Kotlin library with all form validation features form-conductor:compose-ui – Android library with form and field composables with scopes for easy form state handling


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