Dash Coin
DashCoin is a crypto currency tracker with jetpack compose and clean architecture
This project is developed by MathRoda for more projects GitHub .
Blog ✍
i documented my journey and thoughts for the development process , read my article on
Application Install
You can Install and test latest DashCoin app from below ?
Showcase Video
watch video here DashCoin Showcase
- Clean and Simple UI with Jetpack Compose.
- Best and Clean Code Quality following Modern Android Development
- Clean Architecture Approach by uncle bob
Insights into the app ?
? Screenshots
Technical details
- DashCoin uses an open opi from Coin Stats
- DashCoin uses Retrofit to make api requests to coinstats.
- DashCoin is made using Kotlin & Jetpack Compose and following Modern Android Development practices.
- DashCoin uses Room to store users faviorte coins for watchlist feature
- DashCoin uses chart visuals library to view market changes by MPAndroidCharts
- DashCoin uses Kotlin Coroutines and Flow to handle all asynchronous tasks.
- DashCoin uses all Jetpack libraries and follows clean architecture. It also has a G.O.A.T rating in Android’s M.A.D scorecard.
Built With ?
- Kotlin – First class and official programming language for Android development.
- Jetpack Compose – Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI
- Coroutines – For asynchronous and more..
- Flow – A cold asynchronous data stream that sequentially emits values and completes normally or with an exception.
- StateFlow – StateFlow is a state-holder observable flow that emits the current and new state updates to its collectors.
- Android Architecture Components – Collection of libraries that help you design robust, testable, and maintainable apps.
- ViewModel – Stores UI-related data that isn’t destroyed on UI changes.
- Dependency Injection –
- Hilt-Dagger – Standard library to incorporate Dagger dependency injection into an Android application.
- Hilt-ViewModel – DI for injecting
- GSON – A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java.
- Retrofit – A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
- Room – an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow for more robust database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.
- GSON Converter – A Converter which uses Moshi for serialization to and from JSON.
- Coil – An image loading library for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
- Material Components for Android – Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android.
Package Structure
This app uses Clean Architecture .
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