YouTube Vanced & Vanced MicroG Backup APK
YouTube Vanced
YouTube Vanced & Vanced MicroG Backup APK
Credits YouTube Vanced Universal: KhanhNguyen9872
Without Vanced MicroG, YouTube Vanced will crash.
(Không có Vanced MicroG, YouTube Vanced sẽ không chạy)
Download YouTube Vanced 17.03.38 Black
Download YouTube Vanced 17.03.38 Dark
Download Vanced MicroG
Credits Infomation
Tạm thời chưa có bản root. (Temporarily no root version)
Thông báo từ Vanced / Important Notification from Vanced
Vanced (v17.03.38)
Main changes:
Bumped base
ReturnYouTubeDislike integration (NOT FOR SHORTS ALSO SEE KNOWN ISSUES)
Channel whitelisting for video ads
Improved ad-blocking
Comments location (alpha) has been removed (because Google pushed new comments to tablet UI)
Added tablet style under swipe controls for partially disabling recommended videos in landscape mode and other tablet styled UI
Added support for themed icon (Android 13+) Sponsorblock changes:
added support for channel whitelisting (see the “Channel whitelisting” toggle in sb settings)
added support for setting the minimum segment duration
added the filler category
replaced the “Change colors” button with a text field inside of each category’s setting
403 messages (warns, locked video/segment) will now be properly displayed
added an option to enable SB browser button.
Option to change the API URL KNOWN ISSUES:
On new action bar layouts(server-sided feature), the new toggles won’t work. (Around 15% of users are currently affected by it)
all the usual previous issues relating to Chromecast, codec override, swipe controls bug while scrolling in landscape mode and swipe down gesture to refresh. PLANNED CHANGES FOR NEXT RELEASE
Option to make SponsorBlock submitting and voting buttons appear under the video
make RYD work in all layouts
add more ad whitelist options such as viewing the entire list of whitelisted channels and a global video ads toggle