Weather report app built with kotlin

Weather report app


This app has been coded as a good way for me to play with Jetpack compose.

This helped me discover or practice on some concept as Stateflows, or coroutines.

Short description

This app is supposed to show a first screen (called Home) with a button which lead the user to an another screen called Weather Report.

This second activity will show a progress Bar, from 0% to 100%.

During this time (which takes 60 seconds), an API call is made every 10 seconds.

When it’s over, a simple (but clear & readable) datatable shows weather report for different cities.

The user can redo this weather report generation by clicking on a button at the bottom of the screen.

Every 6 seconds, a message is updated above this button, without any time out.

Make it work (IMPORTANT)

The API KEY has been removed for security reasons and must be filled in data/constants.kt.

A key can be grabbed straight out of (sign up & check your emails ?

If this is not done, all API calls will throw IOException and the generation will be stopped…


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