UPI and card POS system for android 4 and above


UPI and card POS system for android 4 and above. WIP, doesn’t work yet



Disclaimer: UPI Qr is not mine, all rights to https://upiqr.in/?name=SHAKTI&vpa=SHAKTI.41215081@hdfcbank&print=true


✅ Done

*️⃣ Being worked on

❌Not Done

Basic prototype(Simple App with UPI and card number based transactions):

  1. Basic Skeleton Menus : ✅
  2. Simple UI Resembling Roadmap : *️⃣
  3. Static QR On home screen which is pulled from UPI provider. : *️⃣
  4. SMS notification system pointed to speakers. : ❌
  5. To and Fro UPI Transactions (with Dynamic QR) : ❌
  6. To and Fro Card Transactions (entering card details) : ❌
  7. Basic Addon Framework : ❌
  8. Selecting the right license for the project : ❌

Electronics Prototype(simple addon framework and app support for it):

  1. Designing PCBs/Prototype on Breadboard : ❌
  2. Designing a communications system using serial over usb or bluetooth : ❌
  3. Creating app support for communication : ❌


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