Undo snapshot state changes in Compose


Track changes to any snapshot state object and restore state from any point in the past.


The simplest way to get started is to use the WithStateHistory composable:

fun App() {
    WithStateHistory { history ->
        var text by remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue("")) }.trackStateChanges()
        TextField(text, onValueChange = { text = it })

        Button(onClick { history.undo() }) {

The key is to call trackStateChanges on every snapshot state object you want to track. If you’re creating state objects outside a composition, call StateHistory.startTrackingState and stopTrackingState yourself.

Advanced usage

The main API is the StateHistory class. See its kdoc for more detailed information.


This repo includes a demo app you can run and tinker with if you fork the repo. Here’s a little preview:


How it works

StateHistory keeps a set of all the state objects that were registered on it. It registers an apply listener to the snapshot system, and any time a snapshot is applied to the global snapshot it checks if any of the objects changed by that snapshot are being tracked. For every tracked changed object, it makes a copy of its latest state record. It collects all changes to tracked objects in a map (called a “frame”), then when saveFrame is called, it pushes that map onto the list of frames that represents the history.

When asked to restore states to a particular frame, it goes through every tracked state object and searches the frame list from the requested frame to find the latest frame that captured a change to that object. It then asks the snapshot system for a writable record for that object and copies the saved record back into the writable record, effectively setting the state object’s value.

This is a very unconventional and probably unsupported use case of the StateObject and StateRecord APIs, but it allows the library to support any type of state object, even custom third-party ones. The actual implementation for saving and restoring state values looks something like this (stateObject is a StateObject):

// Save a state object's current value
val savedRecord = stateObject.firstStateRecord.create()
stateObject.firstStateRecord.withCurrent { currentRecord ->

// Restore the value
stateObject.firstStateRecord.writable(stateObject) {


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