Uber Booking Experience Jetpack Compose App

? UberBookingClone

Uber Booking Experience app in Android built using Jetpack compose.

? The purpose of this repository:

  • Build a functional Android app to demonstrate Uber booking flow entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.
  • Follows Android design guide and development best practices with Jetpack Compose.
  • Explore the possibilities of creating complex ui and ux of a Uber Booking flow using Compose.

Video Demo:


? Built with ❤️ using Kotlin

Tools Link
? Kotlin Kotlin
? Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose
? Material Design Material Design
? Coroutines Kotlin Coroutines
?️ Maps Compose Library Maps Compose
? Navigating with Compose Navigating with Compose
? Accompanist Accompanist

⚙️ Run a project

Note Create new Google map API key by following steps here and add map api key in local.properties as MAPS_API_KEY="[your_api_key]" and Sync project with gradle file to run it.

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