Type-safe arguments for JetPack Navigation Compose using Kotlinx.Serialization

Navigation Compose Typed

Compile-time type-safe arguments for JetPack Navigation Compose library. Based on KotlinX.Serialization.

Major features:

  • Complex types support, including nullability for primitive types – the only condition is that the type has to be serializable with KotlinX.Serializable library.
  • Based on official Kotlin Serialization compiler plugin – no slowdown with KSP nor KAPT.
  • All JetPack Navigation Compose features: e.g. navigateUp() after a deeplink preserves the top-level shared arguments.
  • Few simple functions, no new complex NavHost or NavController types; this allows covering other JetPack Navigation Compose extensions.
  • Gradual integration, feel free to onboard just a part of your app.


Add the dependency


Warning This library uses Semantic Versioning. Be aware that BC breaks are allowed in minor versions before the major 1.0 version.

Create app’s destinations

import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.Destination

sealed interface Destinations : Destination {
	object Home : Destinations

	data class Article(
		val id: String,
	) : Destinations

and use them in the navigation graph definition

import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.composable
import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.createRoutePattern

	startDestination = createRoutePattern<Destinations.Home>(),
) {
	composable<Destinations.Home> {
	composable<Destinations.Article> {
		// this is Destinations.Article

Now, it is time to navigate! Create a Destination instance and pass it to the navigate extension method on the standard NavController.

import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.Destination
import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.navigate

fun AppNavHost() {
	val navController = rememberNavController()
		navController = navController,
	) {
		composable<Destinations.Home> {

private fun Home(
	onNavigate: (Destination) -> Unit,
) {
		onArticleClick = { id -> onNavigate(Destinations.Article(id)) },

private fun Home(
	onArticleClick: (id: Int) -> Unit,
) {
	Column {
		Button(onClick = { onArticleClick(1) }) { Text("...") }
		Button(onClick = { onArticleClick(2) }) { Text("...") }


What about cooperation with Accompanist’s AnimatedNavHost or bottomSheet {}? Do not worry. Basically, all this are just few simple functions. Create your own abstraction and use createRoutePattern(), createNavArguments(), decodeArguments() and registerDestinationType() functions.

import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.createRoutePattern
import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.createNavArguments
import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.decodeArguments
import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.Destination
import com.kiwi.navigationcompose.typed.registerDestinationType

private inline fun <reified T : Destination> NavGraphBuilder.bottomSheet(
	noinline content: @Composable T.(NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit,
) {
	val serializer = serializer<T>()
	registerDestinationType(T::class, serializer)
		route = createRoutePattern(serializer),
		arguments = createNavArguments(serializer),
	) {
		val arguments = decodeArguments(serializer, it)

NavGraph {
	bottomSheet<Destinations.Article> {


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