This library provides easy to use and customizable Progress Bar for Android


This library provides easy to use and customizable Progress Bar for Android.


Add this line to your dependency{} block in app build.gradle file

implementation 'com.sadwyn.resultprogressbar:resultprogressbar:1.0.0'

Also you need to add mavenLocal() repository to your top gradle file.


Name Description
app:progressDrawable R.drawable. you want to be used for progress
app:successDrawable R.drawable. you want to be used for success animation
app:failureDrawable R.drawable. you want to be used for failure animation
app:borderShape R.drawable. you want to be used for progress bar background
app:progressDrawableMargin Int - inner margin of the progress drawable
app:successDrawableMargin Int - inner margin of the sucesss drawable
app:failureDrawableMargin Int - inner margin of the failure drawable
app:progressInterpolator type of progress behaviour (linear, accelerate, decelerate, accelerate_decelerate)
app:progressSpeed speed of the progressbar(slow, normal, fast)
app:changeStateType the type of animation for change progress state (flip, alpha, scale)
