This app displays the most popular movies, shows, and actors
Description :
This application incorporates professional clean code architectural design techniques.
It receives input from an API, displays 3 different recycler views of the responses from those API calls, and saves a cached stored copy of the list, and saves an additional copy in a room database. It also has an update button to update each list.
Here is a list of all the features used in this application:
- Clean Code Architecture Package Structure
- SOLID principle
- DRY principle
- Retrofit2
- API(3 different responses; One BASE_URL)
- Coroutines
- RoomDatabase
- Remote, Local, and Cache DataSources
- Dagger2
- View Model
- Live Data
- Navigation – SafeArgs
- Glide
- Recycler View
- Recycler View Animations
- Data Binding