The implementation of yolov5s on android for the yolov5s export contest
The implementation of yolov5s on android for the yolov5s export contest.
Download the latest android apk from release and install your device.
- Host Ubuntu18.04
- Docker
- Tensorflow 2.4.0
- PyTorch 1.7.0
- OpenVino 2021.3
- Android App
- Android Studio 4.2.1
- minSdkVersion 28
- targetSdkVersion 29
- TfLite 2.4.0
- Android Device
- Xiaomi Mi11 (Storage 128GB/ RAM8GB)
- OS MUI 12.5.8
We use docker container for host evaluation and model conversion.
git clone --recursive
cd yolov5s_android
docker build ./ -f ./docker/Dockerfile -t yolov5s_android
docker run -it --gpus all -v `pwd`:/workspace yolov5s_anrdoid bash
- Android application.
- To build application by yourself, copy
, and build on Android Studio. - The app can perform inference with various configurations of input size, inference accuracy, and model accuracy.
- For ‘Open Directory Mode’, save the detected bounding boxes results as a json file in coco format.
- Realtime deteciton from camera image (precision and input size is fixed to int8/320). Achieved FPS is about 15FPS on Mi11.
- NOTE Please select image/directory as an absolute path from ‘Device’. The app does not support select image/directory from ‘Recent’ in some devices.
- Benchmark script and results by TFLite Model Benchmark Tool with C++ Binary.
- Model conversion guide and model quantization script.
- Dockerfile for the evaluation and model conversion environment.
: Run detection for image with TfLite model on host
: Run evaluation with coco validation dataset and inference results.
- Converted TfLite Model.
These results are measured on Xiaomi Mi11
Please refer benchmark/
about the detail of benchmark command.
The latency does not contain the pre/post processing time and data transfer time.
float32 model
delegate | 640×640 [ms] | 320×320 [ms] |
None (CPU) | 249 | 61 |
NNAPI (qti-gpu, fp32) | 156 | 112 |
NNAPI (qti-gpu, fp16) | 92 | 79 |
int8 model
We tried to accelerate the inference process by using NNAPI (qti-dsp)
and offload calculation to Hexagon DSP, but it doesn’t work for now. Please see here in detail.
delegate | 640×640 [ms] | 320×320 [ms] |
None (CPU) | 95 | 23 |
NNAPI (qti-default) | Not working | Not working |
NNAPI (qti-dsp) | Not working | Not working |
Please refer host/ about the evaluation method.
We set conf_thresh=0.25
and iou_thresh=0.45
for nms parameter.
device, model, delegate | 640×640 mAP | 320×320 mAP |
host GPU (Tflite + PyTorch, fp32) | 27.8 | 26.6 |
host CPU (Tflite + PyTorch, int8) | 26.6 | 25.5 |
NNAPI (qti-gpu, fp16) | 28.5 | 26.8 |
CPU (int8) | 27.2 | 25.8 |
Model conversion
This project focuses on obtaining a tflite model by model conversion from PyTorch original implementation, rather than doing own implementation in tflite.
We convert models in this way: PyTorch -> ONNX -> OpenVino -> TfLite
To convert the model from OpenVino to TfLite, we use openvino2tensorflow. Please refer convert_model/ about the model conversion.