The goal of this assignment is to implement GameOfFifteen

Game of Fifteen


The board for the game of Fifteen is filled randomly with numbers from 1 to 15 and
one empty space. You can move the neighboring value to the empty space.
The goal is to get the sorted sequence from 1 to 15.

You can check the Game of Fifteen online
Note that in the implementation for this assignment, the values are moved
by arrows rather than mouse clicks.

  • Game of Fifteen is solvable only if the initial permutation of numbers
    is even.
    First, implement the function isEven declared in
    checking whether a permutation is even or odd.
    Source: GameOfFifteenHelper.kt
    tests: TestGameOfFifteenHelper.kt

You can use the following algorithm to check the given permutation.
Let P is a permutation function on a range of numbers 1..n.
For a pair (i, j) of elements such that i < j , if P(i) > P(j),
then the permutation is said to invert the order of (i, j).
The number of such inverted pairs is the parity of the permutation.
If permutation inverts even number of such pairs, it is an even permutation; else
it is an odd permutation.

  • Use the isEven function to produce only solvable permutations as initial
    Source: GameOfFifteenInitializer.kt
    tests: TestGameOfFifteenInitializer.kt.

  • Implement the GameOfFifteen class from scratch describing the game process.
    It should implement the Game interface and make use of initializer argument.
    Note that this argument is used in tests to provide a different initial permutation.
    Source: GameOfFifteen.kt;
    tests: TestGameOfFifteen.kt.


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