Spring-Boot Kotlin template for new microservices
Spring-Boot Kotlin template for new microservices
- REST and GRPC ready
- Kafka producer/consumer ready
- Logs in JSON Format
- Base ready for audit log events system
- Open-Tracing propagation ready
- Metrics/Prometheus enabled
- Using Vault to retrieve security credentials
Running Local
docker-compose up and
$ ./gradlew clean build bootRun
Debugging Local
docker-compose up and
Run the TemplateAplication.kt main in your preferred IDE in debug mode and be happy. You must use profiles for enable some features.
Docker Image Build:
$ ./gradlew clean build bootBuildImage -x test
For linter checks, we’re using ktlint
alongside with Ktlint Gradle.
- Checking lint
./gradlew ktlintCheck
- Fixing lint on the project
./gradlew ktlintFormat
Ktlint on IntelliJ IDEA
In case you use IntelliJ IDEA, there’s a plugin you can install that will help with daily basis development. To install
it go to Preferences
-> Plugins
and search for ktlint
and install it.
You should also generate IntelliJ IDEA Kotlin style files in the project .idea/
folder. In order to do it, run the
following on a terminal
./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea
Releasing version images:
We are using the github action:
Every PULL-REQUEST will run the tests and generate the docker-image how the .github/workflows/pull_request.yaml describes.
To increase and generate a final version docker image, the merge.yaml file was respected.
The change log generated in github respect the:
CI/CD in Dev Environment
All patterns and standards that must be followed are in: