Spring Boot Graalvm Samples
Spring Boot Graalvm Samples
Spring Boot Graalvm Samples
GraalVM Native Images
GraalVM Native Images provide a new way to deploy and run Java applications. Compared to the Java Virtual Machine, native images can run with a smaller memory footprint and with much faster startup times.
A GraalVM Native Image is a complete, platform-specific executable. You do not need to ship a Java Virtual Machine in order to run a native image.
Before you can build this project, you must install and configure the following dependencies on your machine.
- Java 17
- GraalVM 22.3+
- Kotlin
- Maven 3.x
- Mongodb
To create the executable, run the following goal:
$ mvn native:compile -Pnative
Then, you can run the app as follows:
$ target/spring-boot-graalvm-samples
You can run application’s tests by typing the following command
mvn verify
Code Quality
You can test code quality locally via sonarqube by typing the following command
mvn -Psonar compile initialize sonar:sonar
Detekt a static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language
You can run detekt by typing the following command
mvn antrun:run@detekt
You can also fully dockerize the native app. To achieve this, first build a docker image of your app. The docker image of sample app can be built as follows:
mvn -Pnative spring-boot:build-image
Deployment with Docker Compose
Prerequisites for Docker Compose Deployment
- Docker
- Docker Compose
You can deploy app by running the following bash command
sudo chmod +x deploy.sh
./deploy.sh -d
You can uninstall app the following bash command
./deploy.sh -d -r
The GraphQL App be accessed from the link below.
Deployment Kubernetes with Helm
Prerequisites for Kubernetes Deployment
- Kubernetes
- Helm
You can deploy app by running the following bash command
sudo chmod +x deploy.sh
./deploy.sh -k
You can uninstall app the following bash command
./deploy.sh -k -r
You can upgrade the App (if you have made any changes to the generated manifests) by running the following bash command
./deploy.sh -u
Used Technologies
Backend Side
- Java 17
- Kotlin
- GraalVM
- Upx
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Kubernetes
- Helm
- Sonarqube
- Detekt
- Mongodb
- Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Webflux
- Spring Boot Security
- Spring Boot Validation
- Spring Boot Actuator