Spotify UI written on Jetpack Compose

Spotify Compose (?work in progres ?)

Spotify UI built with Jetpack Compose.

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??? Useful extensions

 * putting and getting args for navHostController.
 fun <T : Any> NavHostController.putArgs(args: Pair<String, T>) {
        val key = args.first
        val value = args.second
        currentBackStackEntry?.arguments?.apply {
            when (value) {
                is String -> putString(key, value)
                is Int -> putInt(key, value)
                is Short -> putShort(key, value)
                is Long -> putLong(key, value)
                is Byte -> putByte(key, value)
                is ByteArray -> putByteArray(key, value)
                is Char -> putChar(key, value)
                is CharArray -> putCharArray(key, value)
                is CharSequence -> putCharSequence(key, value)
                is Float -> putFloat(key, value)
                is Bundle -> putBundle(key, value)
                // is Serializable -> putSerializable(key, value)
                is Parcelable -> putParcelable(key, value)
                else -> throw IllegalStateException("Type ${value.javaClass.canonicalName} is not supported now")
inline fun <reified T : Any> NavHostController.getArgs(tag: String): T? {
    return try {
        previousBackStackEntry?.arguments?.get(tag) as T?
    } catch (ex: Exception) {

 * rounding.
fun Modifier.round(
        radius: Dp? = null,
        percent: Int = 0
    ): Modifier {
        return if (radius != null) {
        } else {
fun Modifier.round(
        percent: Int = 0
    ): Modifier {
        return this.clip(RoundedCornerShape(percent = percent))

 * change color.
fun Modifier.color(
        colorHex: Int = 0
    ): Modifier {
        return this.background(Color(colorHex))

fun Modifier.color(
        color: Color = Color.Transparent
    ): Modifier {
        return this.background(color)

 * gradient color.
 enum class GradientType {
 fun Modifier.gradient(
        colors: List<Color>,
        gradientType: GradientType = GradientType.LINEAR
    ): Modifier {
        return this.background(
            brush = when (gradientType) {
                GradientType.HORIZONTAL -> {
                    Brush.horizontalGradient(colors = colors)
                GradientType.VERTICAL -> {
                    Brush.verticalGradient(colors = colors)
                GradientType.LINEAR -> {
                    Brush.linearGradient(colors = colors)
                GradientType.RADIAL -> {
                    Brush.radialGradient(colors = colors)
                GradientType.SWEEP -> {
                    Brush.sweepGradient(colors = colors)


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