Simple Twitter Client just for tweeting written in Kotlin


Monotweety is also available at F-Droid compatible repository called IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository.

Simple Twitter Client just for tweeting, written in Kotlin with reactive MVVM-like approach.


Monotweety is Twitter client app which specializes in tweeting right from your device's notification area.

When you tap the notification, editor dialog will be launched, and you can tweet from there.

If your device is Android 7.0 or up, you can literally tweet from your notification area.

Features include:

  • tweet from notification area
  • chain tweets as a thread


Monotweety uses following approach/libraries

  • Kotlin
  • Reactive MVVM-like architecture
  • Dagger2 for Dependency Injection
  • Conductor for building View-based application
  • RxJava for async/reactive programming
  • StorIO for SQLite


splash setting notification editor

How to build

  • Fill and rename to
  • Create Firebase project and download google-services.json, which should have two properties; net.yslibrary.monotweety and net.yslibrary.monotweety.debug.
