Simple server for learning client-server architecture on Ktor


Simple server for learning client-server architecture on Ktor

SQL Schemes

I use MySQL, but you can use the DBMS that you like

If you change DBMS, replice driver in build.gradle.kts

Account table:

Create table Accounts (
id int not null unique auto_increment,
email varchar(100) not null unique,
hashPassword varchar(128) not null,
salt varchar(32) not null,
primary key(id)

Token table

create table Tokens(
accountId int not null,
token varchar(128) not null unique,
userAgent varchar(128) not null,
foreign key (accountId) references Accounts(id) on update cascade on delete cascade 

Note table

create table Notes(
noteId int not null unique auto_increment,
accountOwnerId int not null,
noteTitle varchar(100) not null,
noteText Text not null,
primary key(noteId),
foreign key (accountOwnerId) references Accounts(id) on update cascade on delete cascade


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