Simple Flow Manager with DSL for Kotlin Applications


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Flow is a Multiplatform Library which allows you to use a custom DSL to define a process flow

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Create ProcessSteps

A processStep is a step of the flow and is used to represent a block of code. These functions are executed within the execute method of any class which implements the interface

For example, suppose we wanted a class which would add two values together and then proceed to the next stage:

class AddStep: ProcessStep {
    val num1 = 1
    val num2 = 5
    lateinit var total: Int
    fun getId() = "add-step"
    fun execute(flowManager: FlowManager, bundle: Bundle): FlowAction {
        // Execute work here
        total = num1 + num2
        return FlowAction.CONTINUE

Process steps can be more complex, and you’re free to pass in other information via constructors or through dependency injection.

Add a StepInjector implementation

The step injector is a simplified approach to dependency injection which allows you to inject step classes into a flow. There are several advantages to this approach against providing an instance at the time of defining the flow mainly that you can use existing DI code.

To add a custom implementation, you need to implement the StepInjector interface

Define your Flow

The Flow DSL makes it easy to define your flow. For example:

fun getFlow(): Flow {
    return flow("DownloadFileFlow") {
        startingStep = "getMetadata"
        bundle {
            // The bundle can store some info and can be edited by each step in the process
            add("UserName", "user1")
            add("password", "Pa55word")
        step("getMetadata", GetMetadata::class) {
            actionHandler {
                handler(FlowAction.CONTINUE) {
                    nextStep = "downloadFile"
                handler(FlowAction.ERROR) {
                    nextStep = "metadataError"
        step("downloadFile", DownloadFile::class) {
            actionHandler {
                handler(FlowAction.EXIT) {
                    // End of Flow

Execute the Flow

Flows are executed and controlled by a FlowManager. There is a default implementation (FlowManagerImpl) which works but you may use your own implementation for advanced use cases

To execute a flow:

class Runtime(val flowManager: FlowManager) {
    val flowName = "testFlow"
    fun runFlow() {


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